Calendar Widget Sort Issue for sort over 999

Hello, Has anyone run into an issue with the sort on the calendar widget? For items over 999 (1000+) are just put at the top of the list rather than in their numerical order. Wondering if anyone has seen the same/knows if there is a fix available. Edit: It is actually sorting as if it was a string. The attribute is an integer, but it being set in order like, 1 then 10 (rather than 1, 2, 3 etc).  Thanks, Jon Edit to add screenshots:    
2 answers

Not me, never used it yet, but I am certainly gonna, now that I know it exists. Well, the app has “platform support”, so you can raise a ticket for it. They will be requesting you to deliver a testproject showing the problem.


Dear Jonathan,

Could you please share some screenshots of this issue?

Cheers, Andries
