Simple Checkbox Set Selector JS Error

Hi forum, When trying to load a page that has the Simple Checkbox Set Selector widget on it, I encounter the following error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: TransactionalData.Page_Edit_CUSTOM.listView: Error while applying context Error: TransactionalData.Page_Edit_CUSTOM.simpleCheckboxSetSelector2: Error while applying context Error: TransactionalData.Page_Edit_CUSTOM.simpleCheckboxSetSelector2: Error while applying context TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'unsubscribe' in undefined     at mxui.js?637020609812599095:46     at Object.e.exports.collect (mxui.js?637020609812599095:20)     at Object.e.exports.applyContext (mxui.js?637020609812599095:46)     at E.<computed>.O.passContext (mxui.js?637020609812599095:31)     at E.<computed>.O.applyContext (mxui.js?637020609812599095:31)     at E.<computed>.O.<anonymous> (mxui.js?637020609812599095:52)     at Object.e.exports.collect (mxui.js?637020609812599095:20)     at E.<computed>.O.collect (mxui.js?637020609812599095:31)     at E.<computed>.O._loadListItems (mxui.js?637020609812599095:52)     at mxui.js?637020609812599095:52 Does anyone have an idea what might be the cause? I have already tried updating the widget, but that did not solve the error.   Kind regards,   Ruben Nuijten
1 answers

The widget is trying to unsubscribe (don’t listen to object-changes from the server), but fails.

I use this widget without this error, so check your data model, security, access rights etc.

It seems to be used in a listview, in my listviews it is working ok (except for styling issues).
