Could not create widget DataGridColumnSearch.widget.DataGridColumnSearch

I added the DataGridColumnSearch to a page in Mendix8 (v8.0.0) and below the grid I can see the error “Could not create widget DataGridColumnSearch.widget.DataGridColumnSearch”. I don’t know how to debug this, there is no specific error in the console. Based on some tests, it seems like the error is linked with a data field. You can see that in my screenshots, search fields are created in columns before the data field. I moved the data field around to verify this. The created search fields don’t work though.   Here is how I configured my page and datagridcolumnsearch object: grid1 object with datasource: startdate column: datagridcolumnsearch object:    
2 answers

Just subscribed to this post. I've an issue what looks similar, but it's about the Checkbox grid selector. The weird thing is that it doesn't work when I run locally, but it does when I do it on our Test, Accp or Prod environment.



Hi sebastien ,

I have fixed this bug by just deleting Date time fields from the List and it Worked.
