Upgrading widgets from Mendix 7 to 8

Dear community, Perhaps it is me, but I can't find a proper document on how to upgrade a custom widget from Mendix 7 to 8. Can anybody tell me what steps I need to take to get this done?  I have many widgets in the AppStore based on Dojo and not looking forward to manually porting them to Mendix 8 with it's React framework. See also Chris's unanswered question related to this: https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/96073 Thanks!
1 answers

Hi Ivo,

I think you get that generic error because in the appstore the widget’s version is set to mx7. Awhile ago I read that someone changed the widget ids so it didn’t match the appstore in order for the widget to work in mx8. Maybe try adding a new release for your widget that is for mx8 and see if that fixes the issue?
