Pluggable Widgets: Mutually exclusive properties?

Is it possible to define mutually exclusive properties/property groups for pluggable widgets? For example, imagine a boolean property called ‘showText’ and a string property called ‘text’: <property key="showText" type="boolean" default="false"> <caption>Show Text</caption> <description/> </property> <property key="text" type="string" required="false"> <caption>Text</caption> <description>This text is only shown if showText is true</description> </property> Is it possible to hide the ‘text’ property in Studio Pro if ‘showText’ is false?   Ideally I would like to do it at the propertyGroup level, so I can exclude/include multiple properties depending on a different properties setting
3 answers

Hi, unfortunatelly this is not possible.

You could raise an idea in the forum to be voted.


Nope. In Mendix Studio you can hide values based on other values, in Mendix Studio Pro you cannot.

This idea has already been raised on the Idea forum and is on the roadmap for next year:


you can`t hide the value but it should be possibel to disable the rendering.

Why it is important to hide the property group? Why not just prevent the rendering of this react component?
