Displaying static text on a Page, for example a disclaimer page

I want to display a disclaimer page and a input summary page. A read-only text area will suffice normally. What widgets need to be used in Mendix to get proper formatting of the text?  Please suggest any ideas
4 answers

Hi Srinivas,

If it is just static text than you can create a page and use text widget and associate this page in your navigation. if you want to change the UI of that page than you can do that either by adding inline style or update the CSS or Sass according to your requirements. 

If you want dynamic content on the page than as Eric mentioned you can use Rich Text widget or CKEditor For Mendix


Hope this helps!


Perhaps the rich text widget would meet your needs. It can be used to input rich text with formatting, it can also used to render it later.



Hi Srinivas, 

Please can you add a comment to one of the answer instead of answering your own question to keep forum clean. 

I am not sure how you are trying to achieve this. Please can you share what you trying to do in bit more detail as a comment or by editing / updating your question?




I tried both the Apps but I am not sure how to add content as that field is frozen
