Data Grid Search Filters is nor working in 8.4.2

I have added Data Grid Search Filters in one of my grid which has few date attributes but looks like there is a problem with date filter and hence getting an error : Could not create widget DataGridColumnSearch.widget.DataGridColumnSearc. Please help me to resolve above issue.
2 answers

I am not sure if this is your issue, but did you make sure to place the widget underneath the data grid that you are referencing? Due to the way it works, it will not work if the widget is placed above. (this was an error that I encountered when using it)


You can ask mendix to fix this. Since this is an mendix appstore item, i guess you can submit a ticket for this. You can also create an issue at the github page. Then the creator will receive a notification. See


Also see:
Maybe this can help you by using the widget in the correct way.
