No constructor found for widget CustomString.widget.CustomString

I recently upgraded from 7.23.5 to 7.23.8. I believe that is what caused this error to appear in the place of CustomString widget. I’ve read several similar posts/questions (no constructor but for a different widget)   and have tried those suggestions (clearing my cache and replacing all widgets one-by-one). No luck. According to this create a widget tutorial a ‘constructor’ is a function within the js file that provides variables for the widget to access. For a sanity check I looked in the project’s repo and found the constructor as expected.    constructor: function() { this._handles = []; }, So this means that Mendix run-time or compiler or start-up is doing something wonky. No matter how many time I delete or purge the widget from the widget folder and get a fresh copy it doesn’t seem to work. Any suggestions? Has anyone else experienced this? The only errors in the console and Mendix log I see is this – but I’m not sure if it’s related:
2 answers

Did you check your browser console? Most of the times it will say there with an error log on what line of the widget.js file the code is breaking.


It says there is a problem with a definition in JavaScript. Most of the times this is due to a JS library that is loaded twice with different versions from two different widgets. What is the code from your HTMLsnippet widget you are trying to add? And what widgets have you added yourself into the project?
