Unable to toggle switch

Hi everyone, I have a non-persistent entity that includes a toggle switch and the data for this entity is being added from a REST call (dont think thats relevant though).  I’m running through a few checks in a microflow to set the state of the toggle switch and I can see that that is working.  However, when displaying in a listview on a page, I cannot toggle the switch.  I’ve tried changing the entity to persistable and it still doesnt work!  The entity in question is assoiated to a root entity and on the page, the root entity is the page parameter, and the the entity I’m trying to change is inside this.   I have the switch set up to run a MF when toggled, but the MF is not even being called.   I’ve checked persmissions over a many times and I don’t think that is the problem. Help!!  Does anyone know of any limitations to toggle swtiches?
3 answers

Did you try using a regular checkbox instead of the “Switch” widget? If that works you know whether it is the widget or another issue.

If that does not work either, and maybe I am thinking way too simple here, but is the listview set to be editable? I often overlook the simple answers myself :)


Have you checked the permissions for your user who should change it?



1st pic is domain model, 2nd is the MF that gets the data via REST call, it then iterates though the list that is retrieved from the Root.  It does this, to compare with a corresponding entity that stores persistable values.  I have to do this becuase the data is initially retrieved from an external source (live data) so the other entity is there to compare existing settings (enabled or not)  3rd pic is the page.  Hope that helps.
