Charts Widget - Custom Colors In Pie Chart By Category?

Hi – I’m using the charts widget from the app store. In my pie chart, I see a Colors tab, where I thought I could set colors for each slice. Say I have groups A, B, C each showing as a slice (depending on whether that group exists), in various pie charts. In these certain pie charts, I always want group A to show as blue, group B to show as green, and group C to show as yellow. Is this possible to set up in the chart? Currently, the colors vary so that group A shows as a different color in the pie charts (where I’d like it to be the same color). Do I just specify the colors in the colors tab, and that will do it? Thanks for any tips.
1 answers

See the AnyChart Cheat sheat:

You should add the color option as can be seen in the Bubble chart and add it to the Pie Chart options.

See also the plotly documentation:



