Modifying App Store Widget?

Hi – I’ve never tried to modify an app store widget but thinking I will have to … Any tips on how to get started? The app store widget I am trying to modify is the Pivot Table one. I’m going to see if I can change it so it formats numbers with commas. Kind of like how “Group Digits” does it in a data grid. Thanks for any tips.
4 answers

Firstly, see if there is a GitHub for the project. If there is, and you are adding useful additional functionality, then consider forking it from there and submitting it back to the maintainer in a pull request when you have completed and tested your changes. You can see if there is a GitHub repository by going to the app in the App Store and looking on the right hand side for a GitHub link.

if this is for your own use, then take a copy and rename it so you don’t get any future conflicts with the original project. You can always add it to your private app store if you plan to use it in multiple projects.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for those tips … Any starting tips on how I could even put that customization in? Java script? 


Does anyone have any handy Javascript to format a number with commas?


Sorry, at a more basic level, I’ve never tried to modify/customize an app store widget. How/where do I get started? Googled around and couldn’t find leads yet. Still searching ….
