Multiple Y Axes

I try to get a chart working with two Y-axis but until now no results. I have a simple Column chart with two series and for each serie I want a different Y-axis. I use the Column chart widget. In Serie 1 I have under advanced:    {     "name": "Y-axis 1",     "yaxis": "yaxis2",     "type": "line"   } Serie two advanced:   {     "name": "Y-axis 2",     "yaxis": "yaxis",     "type": "bar"   } In the widget I have Advanced and set the mode to developer under Layout option I have the next:   {   "yaxis1": {     "title": "Y-axis 1",     "zeroline": true,     "color": "#4682B4",     "showgrid": true,     "showline": true   },   "yaxis2": {     "title": "Y-axis 2",     "color": "#FF8C00",     "showgrid": true,     "showline": true,     "zeroline": true,     "overlaying": "y",     "side": "right"   } }   The result is just one Y-axis.
3 answers

For the data objects, try to use the values from the example here

Try using 'y2' as the value for 'yaxis' for the second series. 


Add the following Plotly options in the Advanced tab for Series 1 and Series 2 respectively:




In the Advanced tab of the chart widget, add the following Layout options:


The output will be similar to this:


I have It now working change the Yaxis name to “Y2”

{     "name": "Y-axis 1",     "yaxis": "y2",     "type": "bar"   }

Now I have the next thing, if I change both the series to bar then they are stacked on to of each other.
