Matrix widget hanging after displaying elements

I am using Matrix widget (  When I navigate to the tab with the widget, it shows data all right for a split of a second, and then hangs. When I look at the my logs, it looks like the widget fails to call the microflow to extract entries. How do I solve this problem? BTW, I installed the demo application and it works perfectly fine.
3 answers

Thank you for reporting the bug and explaining the issue in the previous comments. I have released version 1.3.1 that fixes this issue. See changelog here:

You can download the latest version in the App Store, that should fix your issue. The test-project has also been updated to test the Matrix widget in a Listview (I noticed the same issue in the Listview) and Tab Page. Should be working all fine now :-)


Could it be that the user is not allowed to open that microflow? Check the access rights of the microflow and of the objects you are retrieving.





Edit: See other answer. Bug found, fixed, released new version.

Hi Miroslav,

I created this widget. Can you tell me what steps you have taken to implement this widget? I can think of a couple of things

You will need the non-persistent Entryhelper entity to get all the entries. Do you maybe have some entity access not set up correctly? If it hangs on the microflow that gets the entries, it would be my best guess. Also, when you open this in Chrome and open your Developer Tools, do you maybe see an error/warning in the browser console? Also, what Mendix version are you using?

Next, do you display your values as HTML or not? Maybe there's an issue there. Do you use the Nanoflow to show the results or show attributes directly?

Compare your implementation with mine in the test-project and describe/find out what you do differently.

I would love to have a look at the set up to see if I can reproduce this issue. If it means I can improve the error handling (for example, that the widget is not allowed to create this object) it would be very helpful, not only for you or me, but also everyone else that is using it. You can contact me through my developer profile if you can't figure out what is causing the problem.
