Plotly Not Configuring in Acceptance - Rendering Incorrectly, working fine locally.

Good Morning,   We are having a weird thing happen with a graph that we have configured in our application.  Right now, in my local copy, the exact same data exists. The deployment package was built off of my last commit. We’ve checked in a few different ways – the data does seem to be right.   The graph is a time series with two series – each looking like this, one grabbing the attribute for inbound loads and another for outbound. In my local copy, the graph looks like this: In Acceptance, we are seeing this.   Any assistance in getting the graphs to render correctly in acceptance would be greatly appreciated! Or insight as to what’s causing the difference.   
2 answers

Hi Marrie

It looks like the data was note sorted by date, if no sort order was provided the natural sorting of you data base or cache is used. This order could different per environment.

Can set a sort order?

Cheers, Andries


This did the trick. Thank you so much!This did the trick. Thank you so much!
