Pie chart always showing 100%

I’m using a pie chart in mendix. I’ve gotten plenty of other charts to work, including a stacked chart/bar graph where multiple values for a single Y value are shown. However when I use the pie chart, it always shows just… 100%.  My entity is like this Attribute: QUARTER (e.g. value Q4 2019) Attribute: AMOUNT1: (e.g. 90%) Attribute2: AMOUNT2: (e.g.10%)   When I add an xpath value to grab a single record where Quarter is “Q4 2019”, the pie chart just shows one solid 100% CIRCLE. I Picked “Quarter” as the “Name” and “AMOUNT1” as the value. I found it odd that the pie chart didnt have a series that let you pick which attributes go as seperate parts of the pie, like how the stacked charts go. But anyways instead of 90%, it shows 100%. How do I get the 90% and 10% to show seperately?
2 answers

FYI I tried things differently and just kept AMOUNT1 to 90% but then created a second data record where AMOUNT1 was 10% for the same quarter. Removed quarter constraint.. still just one chunk that reads 100%. 


You are adding the attribute-values of on object to the piechart-setting. Instead, the pie-chart wants you to add the attribute of the entity to the piechart-setting.

Btw. are you using the Mendix pie-chart?

If you have a entity like this:

and the pie chart settings looks like this:

Then the piechart will look like this:

