Tips and Questions on Using Internal HMI Tags for Report Tool in Unified Systems

This a tip for those trying to email out of a UCP, but also a question about how the Report tool uses internal HMI tags.   Where would one find the tags that are available for the Report tool in Unified systems?   Here, for example, it comes pre-defined with {ReportName} as the Email Subject line, see the image with the red arrow pointing at the data tag. What is nice is the ReportName area I found to be Dynamized on the Report Job.   I was wondering if I could see more available tags like ReportName for this viewer, or possibly directly access a tag value in the email storage target definition.   I'm asking because I already know I'm going to be asked about how to make it dynamize something like email addresses or text body of the message from the PLC level tags. I have already been through TMail with customers, they like the Email method in HMI because it provides larger attachments.     Any ideas would be helpful.
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