Allow jump actions in a workflow in a paralel split within the same split path - Mendix Forum

Allow jump actions in a workflow in a paralel split within the same split path


Currently workflow prohibit use of jumping to another action when you are in a split path of a parallel split.

While it makes sense that you can not jump to other actions that are outside of the specific split path you are in, it does not make sense that I can not jump to other actions within this same split path i.e. jump back to a previous task to build a feedback loop or skip a subsequent task based on a decision.

2 answers

Hi Nabin Choudhary,


We've solved this by breaking up a large workflow into three seperate workflows so when entering the split path the ‘master’ workflow will trigger either child “A” or “B” to start. The looping structure is then handeled in the child workflows which end in a system event that resumes the main flow once the child has concluded.


Not ideal but it works :).





Absolutely Robin Vervuren, totally in agree with you !! Is there an alternate available, in the mean time Mendix works on this restriction?
