pass a parameter to OQL query from microflow.

Hello All, Requirement: Need to export the data after running an OQL query for a specific program. Using OQL query in the statement field is as follows < SELECT Sampleapplication.Program/programID as PID, Sampleapplication.Issues/ISSUE_ID as IID, Sampleapplication.Action/Action as Actions,Sampleapplication.Notes/Note as Notes FROM Sampleapplication.Program LEFT OUTER JOIN Sampleapplication.Program/Sampleapplication.Issues_Program/Sampleapplication.Issues  LEFT OUTER JOIN Sampleapplication.Issues/Sampleapplication.Action_Issues/Sampleapplication.Action  LEFT OUTER JOIN Sampleapplication.Action/Sampleapplication.Notes_Action/Sampleapplication.Notes Where Sampleapplication.Program =  $ProgramNumber > in the above OQL query “$Programnumber” should come from the dataview from a page and then should be able to pass into the query. Not much information is available in the documentation. if someone can help it would be appreciated.     Thanks in Advance.
1 answers

If it is an attribute of the object you passed to the microflow, you can create a string variable (or you can use it directly). Add toString($Program/Programnumber)
