Workflow Approval Hierarchy in Mendix

Hello All, Am new to Mendix and here to ask about a question related to Workflow Approval Hierarchy. We have a legacy application, where the approval hierarchy is maintained in a separate module. Example : We can define the rules , like if the Budget is capex and if the cost centre is XX and cost > 100$ then Person X is the approver. Like wise we define all the rules and corresponding approval hierarchy in that module.  When an applications wants to implement a workflow – we simply call these rules and route to the respective approver.    We maintain this approval hierarchy – to avoid any code changes. In case of a change in the approver , we simply modify the rules in the workflow module and it will seamlessly work. Is there any similar solution in Mendix like this ? Or we have to replicate the above in Mendix as a separate module? Your help is appreciated. Cheers! Ganesh
1 answers

Hello Ganesh,


Welcome to Mendix! You will want to look into our new Workflows functionality, which is currently in public beta, and more specifically user assignment on user tasks. We have a system that allows you to use xpath queries or microflows to retrieve a specific set of users that can execute on given tasks. If you would like to continue using your high-code solution, you could use our Mendix Java API and make those rules from the legacy module available in microflows.

A couple of different ways to go about it. I would personally recommend to have a look at xpath queries first, and look into microflows and the Java API when you hit a roadblock there.


Good luck, hope this helps.

