Mendix Retrieve last input value

I have 2 pages: Course Overview and Course_newEdit. As the names suggest overview is the overview page and the second one is edit page. The entity name is Course. Its attributes are: Name String and Description String. I have a requirement that i when a user edits course, the default value for name should be the last user input value. So if the user has give first course name as History. The second time any user tries to input the name, it should by default show History. how can this be achieved? I couldn't find any option for the same in the default settings. Mendix 9.2 pro
3 answers

You can do it like that : 


On the overview page, instead of showing a page you are calling a microflow that will open the new edit page, but before calling the new edit page you modify the name of the course.

To retrieve the last input value you can do as follow : 

everytime a user is modifying a course, you check if the name as changed, if it does you put the current date time inside another attribute.  Then you just have to retrieve the course with that attribute closest to the current date time. 



Hello Pragya,

You can do it like this,

Use reference input box, which will lead you to refer the values you have entered before.

Thank you.


HI  Pragya Pandey,

 you can use text box to bring the name on the place, and also why don’t you use microflow for this condition and you can also give your attribute a default/stored value in the entity itself.
