Multiple Workflow instance with a signle search UI

Hi all, Our Team are starting workflow mendix with 9.6.2 version. We are trying implement multiple workflow and t using common UI such as search page to support Multiple Workflow. For a month ago ,we are implementing more functions to support bussiness for all workflow. a few days we try to build search page . the search page have 4 tasks with 3 columns to search data from others workflow as picture below.   Anyone who have any idea to design entity to support search data for multiple workflow instance with a signle search UI. Now we can only search for 1 worklow with this page.   Our solution : build customer search with application id,start date and worfklow no then create logic after press seatch button to check relation  for association 1,2 and 3 if found then return data to page , I’m not sure is working ?    
1 answers


By using the entities WorkflowUserTask & Workflow entities from System module, will allow you to search through all workflow and task instances
