Mendix 9.10 - A named user is required to complete a user task issue

Hi All, I am getting following issue in Complete Task activity : com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: A named user is required to complete a user task.  It was working fine when i was running the application in Mendix 9.6 but After migrating same application to Mendix 9.10 this error is occuring. Please help me with your solutions.    
4 answers

Are you doing this from a logged in user? Sounds like the task can only be completed by a user with a certain user role. If you are trying this from the MxAdmin account, it might not be able to find the 'Account’ associated with that (MxAdmin is not an account, only a user with Admin user role). 


Why can't microflows complete tasks of any users just like they can ignore xpath constraints of the data model?!


Since you are upgrading, you best upgrade to Mx 9.12.2. Even more so since you are strugglng with workflow-functionality and 9.12.2 (.1 actually) is the first release where it is working solidly.


We had a similar issue to this on one of our projects.


Our case: Using Mendix 9.12.1, we required specific workflow tasks to complete automatically based on non-user triggers (a certain timeperiod expires, we get called from an external system, etc.) and we were getting the same “A named user is required”


We solved it by using the Community Commons “executeMicroflowAsUser” Java action instead of the “Complete task” activity, which basically impersonates a user and calls a separate microflow to complete the task.


We used “executeMicroflowAsUser_1” (see the documentation in the actual java action to know which is best for your case)


