Executing Workflow Employee Onboarding Error

Dear, When following the ‘Build a Powerful Workflow’ learning path (https://academy.mendix.com/link/modules/416/lectures/3373/7.1.1-Select-Device), I have come across an error that I am unable to find/fix. The error occurs when I press the button ‘Start Onboarding’ after adding an Employee. This ‘Start Onboarding’ button has an On click event where a workflow is called: ‘MyFirstModule.Employee_Onboarding’. In the images u can see all the info needed. Exact error message: ‘Executing Workflow 'Employee Onboarding' (ID: '1970324836975194' [MyFirstModule.Employee_Onboarding]) activity 'UserTask: 'Manager: Specify Device'' resulted in error: No users match the specified constraint.’ Does anybody have an idea how to approach this error? Images:  -Page where ‘Start Onboarding’ button is located:     -Employee Onboarding workflow:   -Microflow generated by Employee Onboarding Workflow:    Thanks!  
1 answers


I had the same problem and changed the entity of my demo users to Account instead of User, that fixed the problem for me.

Hope it will fix it for you too.


