How to complete user task assigned to another user

Hi, I need to be able to complete a user task that’s been assigned to another user. I’ve tried to use the complete user task microflow activity to do this, but I have been given the error ‘A user task can only be completed by a named user’.  When I try to change the user task object’s assignee to the current user and commit to the database to fix it, it seems to cause a lot more errors and doesn’t fix the problem. Is there any way to complete another user’s tasks in a microflow? It doesn’t matter who the task ends up being assigned to, as long as it’s completed.
2 answers

Yes, you can assign more than one user to do a task. You can also assign based on more complex logic, using a microflow. Read this for more information.


hii Wright 

i think this will work 

here in assign task using Xpath you can set roles they are able to completed that task 

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