Wokflow context entity object inside workflow pages

Hi team ,   I am working on an application , where I have a simple form which is filed by users and on submit button the workflow triggers and request go ahead on various level for approval .   Now I have a requirement that on Task Inbox page of workflow . I want to add some more filters that should be from my Input entity ( workflow context ) .   I am not able to fetch the attributes of my workflow entity on Task Inbox page (in  data grid 2 ).   I can see only way to fetch workflow context is the Microflow created on automatically page creation .   Does anyone know how can I access the workflow context attributes on Task inbox page and add them in filters in data grid 2 .   Not even generalization is possible with workflow entity in 9.12.2 version Hi team ,   I am working on an application , where I have a simple form which is filed by users and on submit button the workflow triggers and request go ahead on various level for approval .   Now I have a requirement that on Task Inbox page of workflow . I want to add some more filters that should be from my Input entity ( workflow context ) .   I am not able to fetch the attributes of my workflow entity on Task Inbox page (in  data grid 2 ).   I can see only way to fetch workflow context is the Microflow created on automatically page creation .   Does anyone know how can I access the workflow context attributes on Task inbox page and add them in filters in data grid 2 .   Not even generalization is possible with workflow entity in 9.12.2 version
2 answers

Hi, I guess the context has to be  an object and then you can use dataview to access that object. You anyhow you want list of object then try to associate the list with that object then pass the object as context. Hope this will work.


The easiest way to get the Workflow Context object is in a microflow with the Retrieve Workflow Context action.  You can also do a bit of work and flip things around:  on your pages, have a datagrid with the Workflow Context objects and then use microflows to get the Workflow from the Workflow Context object to open task pages, etc.


Info on this Action can be found here:  https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/retrieve-workflow-context/
