How to find workflow history for an object

While an object is in workflow, it is possible to use the WorkflowCommons pages and snippets to show the object and its workflow history (Activity Timeline). However once the workflow is finished, I would like to be able to view an object and retrieve its workflow history as an audit trail. How do I do this?
4 answers


I accomplished this using the Snip_WorkflowView_TaskTimeLineOnly snippet in the Workflow Commons module.  This snip provides the following kind of view:

Using this snip as a starting point, you should be able to get the timeline information you are looking for.

Hope that helps.



I think I have an answer for you Colin but it depends how many entries you have.  Within Mendix go to your App and go to Collaborate / General Settings.

In here there is a menu item at the top called History.  This contains what you (and I) need (needed).  I didn't have tooooo many pages so was able to extract manually by page (cause I need it today, and nobody else had asked the question or answered you).  You might be clever enough to be able to automate getting these out quicker than I did.  Hope that helps (automate advice welcome if you solve it).



I use a microflow to associate the object with the workflow as the first action in the workflow. Thanks to Daniel for confirming this approach


Hi Colin, I want to retrieve workflow from my object too, but how did you creat the association between workflow and your entity, cause the workflow is in the system domain and I have no access to change it.
