Workflow task inbox page is not closing after approving request

Hi Team , I am using Mendix workflow in our application . In this workflow once manager approve the request on Task Inbox page , The request move to next level but the task inbox page is not closing . So all the data disappeared from the task inbox page and the page stuck . Once we refresh the page disappeared .    I have checked the on button click we have complete the user task action and also the close page open is set to yes .   I want to check if someone else have the same issue in workflow?   Version used – 9.12.8
1 answers

It’s been a while since I’ve used 9.12 but do you have the workflow state microflows set up correctly like below?



All of the workflow functionality was still in it’s infancy in early versions of 9. I’d recommend updating to something more recent like 9.21 and getting the updated workflow commons module. Any issues I originally had in early versions were fixed by making sure everything was updated and set up correctly as per the docs
