Mendix workflow

Hello, I am using workflow, in that workflow I have added one user Task along with Task Page. And this workflow is called in one microflow. This microflow is called as on click action on one of the button. When I clicked on that button the task page is not getting opened. Given all the security access to that page and entity too. Please provide any solution?   I am using Mendix version – 9.12.10 Workflow Commons module version – 2.1.4
2 answers

Hi @sidheshwari,

I need some clarifications from you,

  • Does the task getting triggered and assigned to the targeted user?
  • Have you called the ‘WorkflowCommons.OCh_Workflow_State’ and ‘WorkflowCommons.OCh_WorkflowUserTask_State’ microflows in your workflow property?

IF yes? then,

For the better solution, create a new task page from the user task and edit the page as per your requirement.


Hello @Sneha,


Thank you for your response!


I have created user task in microflow and assigned to targeted user, also in display information tab created task page.

But OCH microflows not called in workflow properties. I called this microflows in Project settings->Workflow Tab->Events


I will try to call this microflows in workflow properties.

