When I add products to one users shopping cart, those same products are removed from another users shopping cart. How is this possible?

When I add products to one user's shopping cart, those same products are removed from another user's shopping cart. How is this possible? I mean Cart product is disappeared/removed from another user if current user carted the same product. Please have a look in my domain model and microflow. l
2 answers

Hi Saurabh, 


Thanks for asking your question. Looking at your logic and domain model, I would expect that you are using a ‘set’ instead of an ‘add’ action inside your Change Product action. Could this be the case?


Your Product_Cart association is many-to-one, meaning that a product can only be in one cart. There is also a Cart_Product association which is many-to-many, which is better, but you don’t use that one in the microflow.
