Sending Email when overdue signing in workflow

Hi Expert, I want to know if Mendix workflow provides sending reminder email when overdue signing 7 days or more. I go through the “schedule event”  that is not expected. Also, I also go through “Timer microflow”, but it needs to be added to Form, I’m not sure it is I want or not. Could please tell me your idea for signing overdue in workflow? :) Many thanks.
2 answers

The same could be applied to workflows. I have very little expierence with workflows, but assuming they have a timestamp from when it is being assigned to someone you could also set a lastRemindDate at the same time, you could run a microflow in a scheduled event for example every hour that checks if there are workflows where there is a lastRemindDate’ with daysBetween($WorkflowTask/lastRemindDate, %currentDate) > 7.

This would provide you with a list, then use that list to create a flow that emails the assignee with a reminder to sign their workflowtask.  After that is done you set the lastRemindDate to CurrentDate to avoid spamming people. Of course you can play with these parameters however you'd like.


I think scheduled event would work fine for this.
