How to add System tasks and additional information in TaskInboxes
Hello everyone, I’m new to Mendix and I am pleased with the experience so far. I’m using the WorkflowCommons module and things work out mostly the way they should. However, regarding workflows there are two areas that I’m struggling with and failed to find a simple solution for: Problem 1 – System Tasks The “My Initiated Workflows” page looks really nice and the timeline is pleasant to look at. I really like that all user tasks are listed by date so you get an informative timeline of all user tasks that were executed in the workflow thus far. However, there are also some microflows that I’d like to include in that timeline. What would be the most recommended way to go about doing this? I’ve done some research on the topic and seemingly this is called “System task”, however the module that allows this functionality is not compatible with version 10.2 (which is the version I am using at the moment). Any ideas on how I could solve this? Problem 2 – Task Inbox Properties The Task Inbox List gives you a good idea on what work there is to complete at the moment. I also really enjoy the search fields provided by the data grids. I saw that the context of the container was a WorkflowUserTask provided by an XPath expression that queries the database depending on what you’re viewing (Open tasks, My assigned tasks, etc.). I’m seeing the following columns: Task Name, Due By, Started on, Assignees. I would like to extend this by an additional column sourced from the context object of my workflow. I tried using a Microflow and while it does display, the search functionality no longer works for that specific column. I assume I’d need to create another entity somehow but since associations with the system module cannot be owning and I can’t inherit from WorkflowUserTask, how do I get this assoication into a custom entity? Does anyone have any experience with this?