Problem with disappearing workflows

We have workflow which work's good but if we left this flow in middle of progres (we wait for user action) our task can not be completed  because of : but as we check many times we don't have created any special logic to delete. I find one old topic on forum which sound same problem :   and find in doc something like that :  but that don't mean deleted 
2 answers

the answer is Point 3.* URL:

there was some changes in Past Commites which destroyed a workflow.

So tip for all one, don't risk deploying on env if u have open important workflow  and u changed 

something in workcell, i didn't remember did i change a lot but as we can see it's changed to incompatible



When you have made modifications to a Workflow definition and redeployed the application, at startup it check's all workflow instances that are in progress. In case any changes have impacted the running instances they become "incompatible". In many situations there is a resolution possible. See

The Workflow Commons module has an admin section where you can see/try/learn how this works. For larger number of ïncompartible workflow instances you can automate this with a microflow.
