Automatically show XPaths where you stay within the same module as an arrow or hide completely. - Mendix Forum

Automatically show XPaths where you stay within the same module as an arrow or hide completely.


When writing Xpath's whenever you stay within the same data model replace /ModuleName with →

[MyModule.Entity_StartingPointInXpath → Entity → Entity_AssociatedEntity → AssociatedEntity  →

AssociatedEntity_ToLastEntity → LastEntity/id = '[%CurrentUser%]’]

instead of


MyModule.AssociatedEntity/MyModule.AssociatedEntity_ToLastEntity/MyModule.LastEntity/id = '[%CurrentUser%]’]

it would greatly improve the readability for XPaths and technically it would not alter any behavior.

Also it would allow for writing Xpath's a lot quicker if you can just type  – > to initialize selection of the next entity.

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