DateBetween Fucntion in Datagrid Xpath and Microlfows activities - Mendix Forum

DateBetween Fucntion in Datagrid Xpath and Microlfows activities


HI Team,

Can we have a datebetween function which can be used in DataGrid and Microflow Activity. 
Many of have used this use case case where they want to check whether a User Entereed is between Two other Date fileds in Databse for that we have write many xpath depending upon how many date fields we are comparing. It will be much useful for developers if we can have DateBetween function in Data Grid and Microflow Activities. For Microflow activites it can retrieve a Boolean Value and For Datagrid it can yields Values. For Example :

DateBetween( Datbase.FromDate , DatbaseToDate, $UserEnteredDate). this will retrieve the ojects from database where the conditiion become true and has some values inbetween those dates.


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