Allow retrieving local objects that are (not) associated with external objects - Mendix Forum

Allow retrieving local objects that are (not) associated with external objects


When you write an XPath constraint that crosses an association from a local to an external entity, you are met with the following error;


Cannot use association 'MyModule.Persistent_External' in an XPath constraint, because it is an association from a local entity to an entity from 'MyModule.ODataConsumed'.


Sure, most of the times this is understandable. We don't want to combine a database query with an OData query, that would be messy and impractical.


However, this is not the case for the following XPath constraint.. but studio pro won't allow it;



This is unfortunate, because it forces me to either;

- Keep track of the association with a boolean 'IsAssociated' (error prone)

- Retrieve all local objects and filter on empty (inefficient)


Implementing this feature should be relatively straightforward, and would make developing apps that rely heavily on mendix connect / datahub more pleasant.

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