Xpath constraint for linked entity

Hi fellow Mendix’ers, I have a main entity "Trip” that is linked (many to many) with a sub-entity “TripDay” (a trip consists of more days, but a day can be used in another trip as well). When I want to view the different days of a trip, I want to constrain this to only show the days belonging to that trip and not of other trips. I do not want to use the “by association” as I need my on screen sort option which is unavailable for association-data. As you can see on the picture, the TripDay-listview is nested into a Trip-dataview. Why can't I select the "Trip" parameter as a variable in my Xpath constraint for the Tripday to filter the shown data? Is it possible to do get my data by writing an Xpath-constraint or do I really need to use the "by association”? If this is the case, what is the best option to sort my items on-screen? I have wasted hours on trying to solve this issue, but I can't seem to find the correct solution. Thanks for your help! -Stijn 
3 answers

You should be able to use [Viax.TripDayCopy_TripCopy =  ‘[%CurrentObject%]’] as way of checking if one of the Trips linked to this day is the trip in the parent dataview. This would also make your first constraint obsolete.


Your almost there: Try something like [MyFirstModule.Tripdays_Trip = '[%CurrentObject%]'] in the XPath to only show the tripdays that refer to the trip.




Here a screenshot




Hi Thijs & Ronald,

Thanks for the quick response and solution! Also clarified the X-path constraint a little bit better. Is the [%CurrentObject%] always the parameter variable you insert or how should I see this?

Thanks again!

