[BookingDate = [%BeginOfCurrentDay%]] does not work?

Hi, a Datagrid has a microflow as it’s data source, that retrieves a list of bookings from a booking entity. Without the xPath-constraint all bookings (including the todays date) are show. If I add [BookingDate = '[%BeginOfCurrentDay%]'] to the retrieve, no datas a listed. Can any one help? Best regards Tjark
2 answers

BeginOfCurrentDay is a specific point in time, so unless you have a record whose BookingDate is exactly equal to that point in time, you won’t have any records returned.  Try [BookingDate >= ‘[%BeginOfCurrentDay%]’]  which should show all records whose booking date is after the beginning of the current day.


[BookingDate >= '[%BeginOfCurrentDay%] + [%DayLength%]'] does also not work. Still all future dates are in the grid.


[BookingDate >= '[%BeginOfCurrentDay%]' and BookingDate <= '[%EndOfCurrentDay%]'] shows me all bookings for tomorrow, the 11. June? 
