Current user (logged in user) in Xpath

Hi, In one of my data view functionality, I want to extract data with xpath constraint. While extracting data I need to use currentuser (logged in user) in x path but it is not available. I searched regarding this on net and found [%CurrentUser%] token for that but again when I tried to use, it was not available in default avaialable token. I am using Mendix 8.10.0  So my question is – Can we use logged-in user in xpath constraint for filtering data and if yes, please share the expression ?  
1 answers

This could be a simple example. 


Assume if Employee is linked with Account (a specialized entity of System.User). If you want to show only the employee details of the currently logged in user, the above XPATH is what is needed.

The below XPATH does not work. As you are already in the account entity. 


Hope this helps.
