Replacing an Association with an Xpath Constraint

I have a list view that I am currently populating with an association. I would like to add a filter, so I need to replace the association with an Xpath constraint, but I am having trouble. This is my domain model:    This is the association I’m trying to replicate via Xpath  This is what I thought would be the answer: but it doesn’t allow me to use Current Object, as seen below:   Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2 answers

You need to remove the “/Inventory.WorkOrder” part in your xpath.


It needs to look like this:

[Inventory.WorkOrderParts_WorkOrder = ‘[%CurrentObject%]’]

You can’t compare the CurrentObject to the object in xpath, you need to compare it to the association itself. That should solve your problem.



Try to match it with one level before like below.

Inventory.WorkOrderParts_WordOrder = '[%CurrentObject%]'

Also you must have a dataview above your list view to use the currentobject.

If you are having a page, you could pass the page parameter and use that for dataview. And with in dataview, you could use list view and currentobject. 

