Filtered Data CurrentUser Doesnt Show On List View

I have a problem and hope you can help me! I have a project with the entites “Persoonsgegevens” and “Student”  (see the image). In the Persoonsgegevens overview page, I only want to show the data associated to the current user's “Persoonsgegevens”. So we are retrieving the data with an xpath, to add the constraint.   But unfortunately it is not working. No data appear when we choose the x-path option, however, we know that they are in the data base (they appear when we choose database, but not filtered) Thank you in advance!
5 answers

If you want to show the details of the current logged in user, I would go for the following construction

Microflow which retrieves the Persoonsgegevens object of the logged-in student

Configuring the retrieve like this

If this retrieve doesn’t find a Persoonsgegevens object, the message is shown.
=> And if this occurs, there isn’t an association set between the logged in Student and a Persoonsgegevens object.

If found, then it opens a page with a dataview containing  the single persoonsgegevens object



I would solve it in the security. Put an XPath constrained like this in the Access rules of Persoonsgegevens for the student user role: [YourModuleName.Persoonsgegevens_Student='[%CurrentUser%]']

This way you restrict for that user role that the user can only see Persoonsgegevens that are attached to the person's student entity.







Student logged in:





At first; why use a list view? Because the result of the XPath will be either 1 or 0 objects. Thus beter use a dataview instead.

Next to that; you filter on a association to the current user student inherits from account which inherits from user. 

  1. Check if the association between Persoonsgegevens and student exists. Is set between the objects and exists in the data base
  2. Does the user have read rights on the association and the student entity?
  3. Is the list entity Student or Persoonsgegevens?


Also I do see an associations between Student and ProfielFoto & Student and Certificaat. While these associations also exist between Persoonsgegevens and ProfielFoto & Certificaat. This rings some bells, because Student inherits from Account/User and that data should not be used in the User process and only be used to login and assign rights. This might also conflict.


This is happened when I use dataview Persoonsgegevens with association with Student:

I cannot view nor edit the data. 

