Xpath Search Date Fields Changing on browser back

Hello- Looking for some help on a defect identified in one of our mendix apps. We have an xpath search that uses a date range comparison. We’ve noticed if you put in a date rang of 1/1/2021 to 1/25/2021 the correct results display in the table below. If you go into a record in the table and then go back to the search screen (browser back/close/back button) four times in a row the dates in the search start increasing by one day every fourth record you go back to the search screen. Any ideas on how this happens or if its a known bug? Thanks Ryan
3 answers

This sounds like it may be a mix of localised and non localised time zones being used. Is your local timezone 6 hours or more different from UTC? Just thinking 4 x 6 hours is 24 hours, so a day different.  


That could be it, we are using CST which is 6 hrs from UTC, however it doesnt seem to matter what time of day you do this. It still keeps increasing the date fields in the search by 1 every four records viewed.


We are using the comparison under Add-on widgets, dates are localised.
