How do you hide (empty) in Drop-down Search Fields of Data Grids

Since the upgrade from Mendix 7.23.19 to Mendix 8.17.1 the enumeration value (empty) appears in every Drop-down Search Field of all Data Grids. Is there a solution to hide the (empty) value?
4 answers

Hi Mats,

You can use the following JavaScript code with the HTML Snippet widget. Put this at the bottom of your page. 

mx.addOnLoad(function () {
    var searchDropDownList = document.querySelectorAll('.mx-grid-search-item select');
    for (var i = 0; i < searchDropDownList.length; i++) {
        // Get the ID from the parent parent
        var searchDropDownID = searchDropDownList[i];

        // Search for the option where the value ends on a _, that is the option value for (empty)
        var emptyOption = searchDropDownList[i].querySelector('[value=' + searchDropDownID + '_]');
        if (emptyOption) {

I’ve set the following options:

  • Refresh on context change: Yes
  • Refresh on context update: Yes
  • Enclose HTML with DIV: No


I’ve tested it in Studio Pro 8.12.5.




you can add a class like this, and add the class name (without the dot) on the appearance in the data grid


.~1 {

    .mx-grid-search-input {

        select {

            // display: none;


        option {

            display: none !important;


        option[value*="~2"] {

            display: block !important;


        option[value*="~2"] {

            display: block !important;




 ~1: class name-- the first letter in the class name must be lowercase

 ~2: the value in the enum, it must be the name for the value (not the caption) and it must be written as the name exactly  


You can use this script will work on both single and multiple select


mx.addOnLoad(function () {    var searchDropDownList = document.querySelectorAll('.mx-grid-search-item select');    for (var i = 0; i < searchDropDownList.length; i++) {        // Get the ID from the parent parent        var searchDropDownID = searchDropDownList[i];

        // Search for the option where the value ends on a _, that is the option value for (empty)        var emptyOption = searchDropDownList[i].querySelector('[value=' + searchDropDownID + '_]');        if (emptyOption) {            searchDropDownList[i].removeChild(emptyOption);        }    }


$('.mx-selectbox').bind('click', function() {var listItems = $(".mx-dropdown li");

console.log(listItems.length);listItems.each(function(idx, li) {    var product = $(li);console.log(product);if($(li).find('label').length){var val = $(li).find('label').text();if(val == '(empty)'){$(li).remove();return false;}



.mx-grid-searchbar {
	select {
               display: none;

I noticed that the (empty) option on the search field has a value ending with _ (underscore).

Using nth-child specific the number (=2) might affect to the reference field according to there's no empty option in it.

I use this code (scss) in the project, and it works for all data grids at once.


Hope this helps!
