formatDateTime not supported in expression: Error checking for birthday [Found answer myself | Closed]

Hi all   I want to check for if today is the users birthday. For that I have a data view on my page and it should only display the birthday text when today is their birthday. For that I am using this XPath:   When I login as a user it works fine, but for some reason if I login as my admin account I get the following error message: An error occurred while evaluating value of MyFirstModule.Home_Web.container9$visibility: Operator formatDateTime not supported in expression formatDateTime(, dd.MM) Error: An error occurred while evaluating value of MyFirstModule.Home_Web.container9$visibility: Operator formatDateTime not supported in expression formatDateTime(, dd.MM)   I don’t know how I can fix this but does anybody here maybe know?   Thanks.
2 answers

Hey all, I have found the answer myself. The problem was that I didn't set a birthday for the admin as there isn't a dateofbirth naturally in the account entity. So when I created the admin I couldn't set a birthday and I forgot to set one until now. It works now.




Looks like the administrator doesn't have entity access to the Kursadministration entity or the attribute is empty. Could you set it and try again?


Edit: looks like you beat me to it :D
