Calendar XPath Constrain Tasks to Associated Project

What is the xpath constraint that I need to write if I only want tasks associated with the project that I have selected?    User selects project > Project Detail page has a calendar view of the project tasks and their due date.  Project is a separate entity from Tasks but I have association. Do I need to make the Event Entity “Projects” or do I make it “Tasks” and constrain the tasks that are associated with that project name? If so, I’ve tried writing that xpath with no success.       
4 answers

Hi Jaclyn ,

I believe your domain mode have 1 – * many between project and tasks i.e., one project can have multiple tasks.

You can use the below xpath which may help you

[MyFirstModule.Tasks_Project = '[%CurrentObject%]']

Here current object defining the current selected project object


Here is the screen shot of the error 



Hi Jaclyn,

When using the Calendar widget the Event entity should be Tasks and the XPath constrained should be as Narayana already pointed out:

Make sure that the CurrentObject actually is the project, by placing the calendar widget in a data view widget. You can either use context and select the project entity (as I've done in my example) or you can retrieve an object using a data source microflow, as long as the resulting object is one of the project entity.

Let me know if this helped you out in any way. If not, let us know which errors you're still getting and provide more screenshots if possible :)

p.s.: Please note that I'm using different naming conventions for the entities in my test project (singular instead of plural – task and project instead of tasks and projects). I advise you to do the same.


Hi Dennis and Narayana! 

So I have set it up as you have advised as shown below.


However, I continue to have the following problems: 

  1. Undefined context entity does not match the event entity 


I will also go back and change my Entity to Task and Project without the plural. Just curious why that matters? 
