Commit In Batches, Using Community Commons Module

Hi team,  I Run a Daily Scheduler and Around 2000 Objects gets changed, I do a commit of these but putting these Objects into a List. However, it consumes a lot of memory and causes Performance Issue and Application Shut down.  I am Trying to commit these objects in Batches. I came across RecommitinBatches Java action in community Columns Module. However, the Input data for this Java Action takes String as an xpath.. I am not understanding how to send the List as a string.. can you please guide me in this regard ?
2 answers

This action is for recommitting objects that are already in the database, not objects from a list.

The XPath selects objects from the database. This is then batch retrieved using the batchsize parameter and ordered with the ascending parameter before being committed. 


2000 objects should not be any problem at all, so the problem lies somewhere else. Can you include some screenshots of the microflow that is causing the issues, the domain model, and any error messages that occur?
