Assigment doesnt work

I’m doing the Intermediate learning path “Create an App with Advanced Page Building”. I’ve made it to lecture 6.4.1 so far, which means I’m currently configuring Notifications, where I’m stuck. Now I was told to build a microflow, in which I should retrieve all approvers and the current requestor, then later while creating an object for the Notifications assign the list of approvers to the Notifications.Notification_Account. However this doesn’t work at all because those are two different data types, but the path says it that way. Can somebody help me how to proceed? Have a made a mistake somewhere?   Edit: In 6.4.2 the same notification with a single ‘Requestor’ assigned to Notification_Account was totally fine, so I thought of creating a loop for just single approvers now, if the list isn’t compatible here. Works now perfectly. Would be fine, if the creators of this learning path add this feature to the instructions, because so far it wouldn’t work.
2 answers

Hey there,

idea 1

I reckon based on your description that Approver is a specialisation of Account (small blue Account block above entity)?

This means that although your entity is called Approver , it can be used as an Account entity

What probably happens is that Requestor is NOT a specialization of Account and therefor can not do the same.

A smart way of testing this is by ensuring both Requestor and Approver have the same settings within their Entity Properties

  1. Check the differences in settings between the two
  2. Make them as equal as possible


idea 2

Another thing might have to do with the association, if the association between Notification and Account is:

  • Notification 1 – * Account
    • You are able to assign a list of accounts to a notification
  • Notification * – 1 Account
    • You are able to assign 1 account to a list of notifications
  • Notification 1 – 1 Account
    • You can only assign 1 account to 1 notification

Your description states that you where first only setting 1 Requestor worked, but a list of Approvers didnt work, so that makes me think it would then be the issue in the second bullet



Check the relation : Notification_account is *-* (many to many).

In ACT_Request_Save the ApproverList must return a list : Range = All and XPATH = [System.UserRoles/System.UserRole/Name = 'Approver']

Then in Create Notification, you can update the Notifications.Notification_Account (List of Administration.Account) with $ApproverList


suc7, Pascal

