Using Data Grid and XPath constraints to create a list of objects that are older than one year

In INTERMEDIATE Learning path Constrain Your Data Using XPath, there is one additional challenge: Earlier we created ‘Archive’ tabs in the Home page. Using Data Grid and XPath constraints, create a page of requests that are approved or rejected and are older than one year.  How can I figure it out without using Java Code? I does not have any Java knowledge, but I cannot do the right XPath constraint without + (Addition) and – (Subtraction)..
3 answers

Hi Fen,


Create a variable like this in microflow to get one year back from current day.


Then you might have some date attribute to determine request creation date, use that attribute to filter a list of objects using below condition in microflow.


Return the list from microflow to the grid


$RequestCreatedDate > $OneYearBack


Call that microflow as a data source to the data grid.





Hi Fen,

You can have a DS microflow for that which could get the last 1 year requests which you can pass as a return value.


Hope this helps!


Dear Rishi Sundar and Steffy D, 

Thank you so much for kind suggestion (your methods are similar and both very useful), now I have figured it out, please kindly accept my sincere gratitude.

