Show the values of an enumeration on a separate page and make them selectable

Hi all, I’m trying to show the values of an enumeration on a separate page and make them selectable. The enumeration values are created. That’s how I set up the data grid:   and that’s how it looks like: Can anybody help? Thank you very much!
5 answers

Hi Isabelle, can you please take a snapshot of your domain model? to see how valuecenter is connected to Account.

Might also be good to check, if you commit the value center in your logic and refresh it on the page. 


Hi Nataliya, thank you for your fast answer!

Here is a screenshot of the entity:


Hi Isabelle,


the ValueCenter should actually show up. There is a similar use case in an Intermediate Learning path.


Have you checked what you get populated without the XPath on the data grid?

May be it helps to add another column with Employee_Name. Where ValueCenter column for that Employee is empty, you’ll need to check the logic where you assign the ValueCenter value, check if you did not forget to commit it and refresh in client. Once you know your logic works, you can put the non empty check back on the data grid.


Hi Isabelle,


Your enumeration values are coming in value center dropdown ?


In your case, account entity should be created where value center value is selected while creation of object. if objects are created properly, data will be there in data grid


Hi Isabelle,


Your datagrid uses the entity account. this means you are going to see every account (if you have the rights for account as the logged in user) that is created in your application.

If you want to see a list of your enum values, you have to create an account for every enum value you have, but if 2 or more accounts use the same enum value, you are going to see duplicates.


it would be better to create a non-persistant entity ValueCenter with the enum as attribute. In a datasource microflow/nanoflow you can create en object for every enum value you want to display.
