Trying to establish association between an entity and system.user

Trying to establish association between an entity and system.user And then trying to use the association in the XPath. [ActionedBy=GlobalTracker.DocumentIdentifier_User/System.User/Name] But it does not seem to work. Am I missing anything ?
2 answers

Hi Subhojit,


You have to use a context variable in an XPath to retrieve data:

[ActionedBy = $RetrievedUser/Name]


If you want to retrieve data over association you can for example use:

[GlobalTracker.DocumentIdentifier_User = $RetrievedUser]


not sure what you try to achieve.

do you want to SET the association or CONSUME it in a retrieve?


In any case; I would never use a direct association between some data in your process and your user. 

Always use a Entity person/customer/employee/.. which contain the person data used in the process and a 1-1 association between Account and your person process entity.


You process data (in your case DocumentIdentifier) reference that to your person process entity instead of user.
