ENUM values in XPATH constraint no longer visible

Hi, In versions of StudioPro before 9.24 you could see the values of an enumeration in a XPATH constraint when hitting cntr + enter. They are no longer visible when doing a retrieve for instance without entering at last the first letter of an enumeration value.   Am I missing something or is this no longer possible?   Only when you know part of the value this becomes visible in the list again, so you have to know (part of) the possible values of the enumeration, which isn't very practical.      
6 answers

Hi Lourens, 

The issue has been fixed in Mendix 9.24.2 version which is available in the MarketPlace now. 

  • We fixed an issue in XPath constraint suggestions that gave incorrect suggestions when there were whitespace characters after comparison operators (`=`,`<`,`>`,`<=`,`=>`,`!=`). (Tickets 181673, 181908)


If you enter a single quote, the values of the enumeration will show up in the context list.  Here is an example:


Hope that helps,



Sorry, that worked with the ' before 9.24.0 but in 9.24.0/9.24.1 it doesn't work for me anymore (same goes for ctrl+ enter + arrow up). The values used to be at the bottom of the context list, but not anymore in this version.

This is ctrl + enter + arrow up (to get to the bottom the context list) but no more enum values there, unless I hit the first letter of an enum value.


When I enter the first letter of a value of this enum I get that one value in the context list:


This is when I use ‘ :






Thanks Aylin. The space after the ‘=’ was indeed the problem. When I do ‘Attribute=’ + ctrl +enter’ in the retrieve I do get the enum values. When a space is behind the ‘=’ I do not see the values. So if you don't want to upgrade for some reason, don't put a space after ‘=’ (or another comparison operator)


And when I start a new app in 9.24.1 it does work as you explained Mike, with the single quote, so bit strange why it doesn't work in this project.


I recognize this bug as well.
When typing a single ‘ the ENUM values will appear at the bottom.
